Ameliorative effect of Aristolochia longa and Aquilaria malaccensis on lead acetate induced nephrotoxicity in female rats


  • Samir Derouiche


A. longa, A. malaccensis, nephro-toxicity, acetate lead, stress oxidative


Aquilaria malaccensis And Aristolochia longa are plants used extensively in traditional medicine for the treatment of cancer in several regions in Algeria. We investigate the ameliorative effect of Aristolochia longa and Aquilaria malaccensis on kidney toxicity induced by lead in female albino rats. Twenty-five (25) apparently healthy female Wistar rats were randomly divided into five groups of five rats in each: control, Pb, Pb + A. longa (Ar), Pb+ A. malaccensis (Aq), and Pb+Ar+Aq.lead (100 mg/kg b.w) as Pb(C2H3O2)2 added in their drinking water for 75 days. A. longa (rhizome powder at a dose 1% w/w of diet) and A. malaccensis (heartwood powder at a dose 1% w/w of diet) were added to the feed during the last 15 days of lead exposed in the animals. Obtained results revealed that lead treatment caused a significant increase in blood glucose level, serum urea, creatinine and uric acid level and in kidney of MDA level and CAT activity. In contrast, it led to a decrease in the kidney GST activity and GSH level in rats. Also, the results clearly showed that lead causes alterations of glomerular and tubular structure in comparison with controls. Our results showed that treatment with A. malaccensis and A. longa a partial correction of the previous parameters. The histological observations confirmed the nephroprotection results by the biochemical parameters. Results demonstrated beneficial effects of A. longa and A. malaccensis treatment again acetate lead-induced toxicity and kidney damage in rats.


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How to Cite

Derouiche , S. (2021). Ameliorative effect of Aristolochia longa and Aquilaria malaccensis on lead acetate induced nephrotoxicity in female rats. International Journal of Biological and Agricultural Research, 3(01), 001–011. Retrieved from