Multivariate statistical analysis of groundwater quality in the Akbou region Bejaia


  • Djafer Khodja Hakim Water Engineering Department, Institute University of Akli Mohand Oulhadj, Bouira, 10000, Algeria
  • Aichour Amina University of Bouira
  • Metaiche Mehdi Civil Engineering Department, University of Akli Mohand Oulhadj, Bouira, 10000, Algeria.
  • Ferhati Ahmed Hydraulic Department, University of Mohamed Boudiaf, M’sila, 28000, Algeria.
  • Ghessouli Moloud Water Engineering Department, Institute University of Akli Mohand Oulhadj, Bouira, 10000, Algeria.


multivariate statistical techniques


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The physico-chemical parameters are the most important analysis that characterizes the groundwater quality. Therefore, they determine the use of water (supply water, irrigation, industrie...)

The study aim determining the physico-chemical analysis and the hydrogeological characteristics of the aquifer of Akbou region Bejaia coming from the different wells.

To investigate the conformity of these wells, samples were taken in 2023, from 6 boreholes, which are principal resources of water supplying Akbou region, to have a dataset composed from 15 chemical variables over the entire study area, which then, exploited, and analyzed using multivariate statistical techniques.

The analysis is useful for the authorities to plan the supply of water to their populations, and rational use of groundwater resources.

Author Biographies

Djafer Khodja Hakim, Water Engineering Department, Institute University of Akli Mohand Oulhadj, Bouira, 10000, Algeria

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Aichour Amina, University of Bouira

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Metaiche Mehdi, Civil Engineering Department, University of Akli Mohand Oulhadj, Bouira, 10000, Algeria.


Ferhati Ahmed, Hydraulic Department, University of Mohamed Boudiaf, M’sila, 28000, Algeria.

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Ghessouli Moloud, Water Engineering Department, Institute University of Akli Mohand Oulhadj, Bouira, 10000, Algeria.

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How to Cite

Hakim, D. K. ., Amina, A. ., Mehdi, M. ., Ahmed, F. ., & Moloud, G. . (2024). Multivariate statistical analysis of groundwater quality in the Akbou region Bejaia. Algerian Journal of Chemical Engineering AJCE, 2(VOL 2). Retrieved from