Citrullus colocynthis: source of biodiesel


  • Asmaa Benaissa Department of Biology, Institute of Sciences and Technology, Universitary Center of Amine Elokkal El Hadj Moussa Eg. Akhamoukh, 11039 Sersouf, Tamanrasset, Algeria


Citrullus colocynthis; coloquinte oil; biodiesel; transesterification.


Citrullus colocynthis (L.). Schrad, is a member of the botanical family of Cucurbitaceae and is commonly called coloquinte or "desert gourd", Handhal (Arabic) or Alkad (Tamahaq). This plant is known for its high oil content, it is a source of biodiesel and a real substitute for conventional diesel. Biodiesel is defined as a chemical alteration of vegetable oil to match the characteristics of the engine. The transesterification reaction is the most common method for converting coloquinte oil into esters and glycerol. The purpose of this communication is to draw attention to the biodiesel produced by coloquinte, which has been widely described in the literature.


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Citrullus colocynthis



How to Cite

Benaissa , A. (2022). Citrullus colocynthis: source of biodiesel. Algerian Journal of Biosciences, 3(1), 047–050. Retrieved from