Maghreb Magpie Pica pica mauritanica winters in two oases, at the mouth of the Sahara at Aurès Mountains (Biskra and Batna, Algeria)
Maghreb Magpie Pica pica mauritanica winters in Algerian oases
Maghreb Magpie, expansion, Oases, Aurès Mountains, AlgeriaAbstract
New data on wintering and range expansion of Maghreb magpie Pica pica mauritanica in two oases. The first record is in Biskra North, in one of the oases of El Kantara (January 2022) and the second observation is at the extreme south of the Aurès at Ghoufi (March 2019). These data represent the first mention of Maghreb magpie in this region at the mouth of the Sahara at Aurès Mountains (Biskra and Batna, Algeria).
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